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Tuesday 9 August 2011



Ok, so after my super awesome weekend. I woke up Monday morning with a heavy heart. I could not put my finger on what was wrong, but I was in a super bad mood and just couldn't shake it off :0(

Now for those that know me, you'll know that this is a very rare occurrence and that I am usually too cheery for my own good (and other people's) So fair to say this put me in a bigger mood still..

That night on the way home I went to Waitrose (I feel I spend far to much time in this place) and spent £12 YES £12, on cleaning products. For some reason if I ever do get a bad mood I like to buy cleaning products. I then proceeded to go to my friends Michelle's for Mexican Monday (A wondrous weekly event) I ate my fill in Taco's one of my favourite's, and read a chapter of Harry Potter to Hannah which is always fun. But no the grump remained.. I returned home, where the most cheery of company awaited in the form of Miss Lottie Lou. But no I just began to scrub the house from top to toe and  at half past 11 was cleaning the toilet. Charlotte seemed quite concerned and joined in with my spring clean by washing all the cutlery.


I woke up to find the grump was still in my life.. I tottered to work where it was like a dark shadow following me round. I continued the theme of cleaning buy scrubbing the whole shop. Which is no easy task Mind The gap is an emporium full to the rafters! Home time came and I wasn't ready for it, so I stayed exploring the internet.. I had a stressful moment where I nearly purchased shoes, after putting a link calling for help on facebook. Many friend's came to my aid by telling me off (I have a major shoe thing and no money to aid it). I packed up the laptop and headed down Ashton Lane, to the Grosvenor Cinema, where I brought a bounty hot chocolate and a large bag of chocolate drizzled popcorn and settled in the big comfy armchairs to watch Harry Potter.... On returning home I read a good night story to Bryan my Budgie... It was a sad day.. Feel free to stop reading now.. I think I would!

Bryan digs a bed time story...


Nope, thats right. Grumpy Hana is still here.. What the hell is wrong.. Day 3 I'm working in Auntie M's Cake Lounge yes thats right folks, a place full of cake, coffee and happiness. I decorated an awesome board..

Love me some chalk pens..

Kinda cheered me a little. Then it was off to this super awesome place that does half price cocktails Sun-Weds. Me and Nikki had been on a previous occasion and boy these cocktails are good... None of this crappy stuff.. Cocktails made with love.. So me and Charlotte got the underground into town (Me getting hot and sweaty from the fear, I hate the underground) Dandered round to collect Nikki (Who was in a super bad mood to, she had her hair done, asked for it to be dyed black and came out with it the same colour as when she went in :0( Consult photo!) Walked past this...

Made Me Chuckle

And ordered us some Cocktails.....

And 2 huge bowls of Curly frys....

After a bit of blethering and a few more cocktails. We were in a much brighter mood... I think me and my ridiculousness being the main cause of laughter...

That night on returning home I had a sister chat and hug and off loaded my heavy heart.. Sorry Charlotte... Climbed into my emperor size bed and had a snooze... 


How to rid your grump-

1. Spend £14 in waitrose on fancy smancy cleaning products..
2. Clean everything in sight...
3. Consider drinking ginger wine and buying shoes..
4. Watch Harry Potter
5. Spend quality time with your budgie
6. Work in a Cake Lounge and do a bit of art work with chalk pens..
7. Have a super girly night and only spend £12 (less than your cleaning products)
8. Chat to your awesome friends and get everything off your chest..
9. Have an awesome emperor size 4 poster bed...

10. Buy the shoes anyway..... ;0p

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